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- Albumin
- Albumin & Total Protein
- Alkaline Phosphatase
- Alkaline Phosphatase
- Alkaline Phosphatase (IFCC)
- Alpha 1 Acid Glycoprotein with Calibrator
- Amylase
- Amylase
- APO A1 With Calibrator
- ASO Leit With Calibrator
- ASO Leit With Calibrator
- Bilirubin Direct
- Bilirubin Total
- Bilirubin Total & Direct
- C3 with Calibrator
- C4 with Calibrator
- Calcium
- Calcium (Arsenazo)
- Ceruloplasmin With Calibrator
- Chloride
- Cholesterol
- Cholesterol
- Cholesterol (S.L)
- Cholesterol (S.L)
- Cholinesterase
- Cholinesterase
- Combi HDL/LDL
- Copper
- Creatinine
- CRP Leit with Calibrator
- Cystatin C with Calibrator
- Enzymatic Creatinine
- Ferritin With Calibrator
- Gamma GT
- Glucose
- Haemoglobin
- HBA 1C Direct with Calibrator
- HDL Cholesterol
- HDL-C Direct with Calibrator
- HDL-Cholesterol (D) with Calibrator
- IGA with Calibrator
- IGE with Calibrator
- IGG with Calibrator
- IGM with Calibrator
- Inorganic Phosphorous
- Iron
- LDL-C Direct with Calibrator
- LDL-Cholesterol (D) with Calibrator
- Lipase
- Lipoprotein (A) with Calibrator
- Magnesium
- Microalbumin IT with Calibrator
- Microprotein
- Prealbumin with Calibrator
- RF
- RF Leit with Calibrator
- RF Leit with Calibrator
- Total Protein
- Transferrin with Calibrator
- Triglycerides
- Triglycerides
- Triglycerides And Cholesterol
- Urea UV
- Urea UV
- Uric Acid
- Uric Acid
- Uric Acid
- Uric Acid
- Zinc